Demonstratives – This, That, These, Those – Tests with Rules

Demonstratives (This, These, Those, The)

1. _____ are the best grapes I’ve ever eaten.
2. I went to _____ School when I was young.
3. _____ new shoes are hurting me.
4. ______ is a big house.
5. _____ is looking nice.
6. I told you _____ old magazines were a fire hazard.
7. _____ is my book.
8. I will never forget _____ day.
9. _____ are pencils.
10. This pen is smoother than _____ pen.
11. _____ is a fine meal, do you think?
12. _____ little puppies were so cute.
13. Is ______ kid looking at me?
14. _____ is the best book I have ever read.
15. ______ weather is very good for me.
16. Are _____ your shoes?
17. I can’t forget _____ incident.
18. _____ food is delicious.
19. _____ chair is very comfortable.
20. Would you like to wear one of _____ shoes?
21. _____ are the best grapes I’ve ever eaten.
22. Do you remember ______ days? When the sound of the rain made your day.
23. The performance of _____ students was not very interesting.
24. _____ days were awesome.
25. Did you break ______ chair?
26. I am going to Lahore _____ weekend.
27. Please help me pull off _____ wooden wings!
28. What is _____ frightening creature?
29. ______ was not my fault.
30. Throw _____ wrappers away.



A determiner or a particular noun that points to a particular noun or to the noun it replaces.

Demonstratives can be singular or plural. It may be “near demonstratives” (this, these) or “far demonstratives” (that, those).

“This” is used to refer to a singular noun that is found near in distance or in time.

For Example:

  1. This is a pen.
  2. This is a great deal.

The term “these” is used to refer to a plural noun that is found near in distance or in time.

For Example:

  1. These are flowers.
  2. A lot of construction is going on these days.

“That” is used to refer to a singular noun that is far in distance or in time.

For Example:

  1. That is a chair.
  2. That is beautiful.

“Those” is used to refer to a plural noun that is far in distance or in time.

For Example:

  1. Those flowers have died.
  2. Those were golden days.