Articles Quiz – A, An, The (Rules, Tests, Explanations)

Article Quiz

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1. Honour _____ brave and _____ good.
2. ______ darkest cloud has a silver lining.
3. French is _____ easy language.
4. I saw _____ lion.
5. ______ dog is a faithful animal.
6. The mosque is present in _____ east.
7. He is _____ teacher.
8. He returned home after half _____ hour.
9. Look at _____ blue sky.
10. The Christian read _____ Bible.


Articles Rules

(A, an, the) are called Articles / Determiners. They introduce the noun before which they are placed.

“A” and “An” are called Indefinite article. These articles (a, an) are used before a noun that is general or when its identity is not known.

“The” is called a Definite article.

  • “A” is used before singular countable nouns begin with a consonant.

For example: A table.

  • “An” is used before singular countable nouns which begin with a vowel (a, e, i, o, u).

For example: An ant.

  • “The” is called “Definite Article” because it points to some particular or definite noun.

For Example: The book is on my table.

  • In this example “the” is used before “book” because the reference is to some definite book.

Use of “The”:

The definite article “The” is used in the following cases:

1: When we speak of a particular common noun or a common noun that has been mentioned before.

For Example:

  1. The book you want is not available here.

In this example “the” is used before book because the book here means some particular book.

  1. A beggar went to a farmer and begged some food. The farmer told the beggar, “Get out”. I have nothing for you.

In this example “the” has been used before ‘beggar’ and ‘farmer’ because they have been mentioned before.

2: When a common noun in the singular is used to represent a whole class.

For Example: The cow is a useful animal.  In this example “cow” represents the entire class or kind of “cow”.

3: Before the names of Gulfs, Rivers, Seas, Oceans, Ships, Boys, Groups of Islands, Mountain ranges etc.

For Example: The Persian Gulf, The Ganges, The Red Sea, The Indian Ocean, The Andaman Islands, The Bay of Bengal, The Himalayas, The Indus,  The Khyber Pass.

Note: “The” is not used before the name of single Island or mountains. Thus, it would be wrong to use “the” before the followings nouns;

Ceylon (name of Single Island), Everest etc.

4: Before the name of important buildings.

For Example: The Taj Mahal, the Red Fort.

5: Before the names of countries and states, if these names describes the countries.

For Example: The Punjab, the U.S.A.

6: Before the names of scriptures (Holy books), Newspapers and Magazine.

For Example: The Holy Quran, the Pakistan Times

7: Before the names of Nationalities, Communities, Institution, Religious Groups, Political Parties etc.

For Example: The French, the Muslims etc.

8: Used when the noun refers to something or someone that is unique.

For Example: The Sun, The Moon, The Sea, The Ocean, The Earth, The Sky, The World, The Universe, The North.

9: With Superlative Degree of Adjective.

For Example: He is the best boy in the class.

10: Before an adjective that is used as a pronoun.

For Example: The rich should help the poor.

11: Before the directions.

For Example: The South.